Onions are a staple in our garden every year and will plant a ton of them. We are able to harvest onions for several weeks and also store them for up to 4 months. You can never plant too many onions.

We are located in Oklahoma zone 7B so we plant short day onion varieties like Texas Early White, Southern Bell Red and Yellow Granex. We order our onion plants from Dixondale Farms online and we have always had really great harvest. We generally plant onions mid February depending on the weather.


Onions require full sun and good drainage. They will grow best in either raised beds or raised rows of at least 4″ high and 20″ wide. The soil should be loose and crumbly. If the soil is compacted, work in compost in order to improve aeration and drainage.


Onions should be planted 4 to 6 weeks prior to your last Spring freeze date.

First you will want to start by digging a trench that is 4″ deep and 4″ wide and sprinkle fertilizer throughout the trench and back fill with 2″ of soil.

Plant the onions 6″ from the edge of the trench on either side. Plant the onions themselves 4″ apart so they can grow to maturity otherwise you can plant them closer in order to harvest green onions. If you are planting multiple rows of onions, be sure to space the rows out by 16″.


Water onions throughly after planting and regularly thereafter. The closer you are to harvest the more your will need to water until the onion tops begin to fall over. Once the tops have fallen over you should stop watering and allow the soil to dry out before harvesting.

Once harvested, we will place our onions on a screen or mesh table under a large shade tree and allow the onions to cure until the entire “neck” of the neck of the onion is completely dry.

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